Keeping a close watch on your Yorkie at all points is the most effective way to hinder them from getting into damaging toxins, or being hurt. Here is a awsome thread all about yorkie care. Tracheal collapse is a medical aliment occurring over the passage of time which due to the weakening of the walls of the trachea. Actually according to the most recent statistical data from the North American dog house Club they're the second preferred dog breed.
Yorkies have an entrancing history and caring for them is reasonably straightforward, but they are susceptible to some issues to keep an eye out for. Its early ancestors were really Scottish terriers and other early terriers that were brought into Northwards Britain by Scottish immigrants searching for work. These smaller dogs were used for rat control, which a major threat to human health back then because they spread sicknesses like the plague. Yorkies are categorized as a toy breed dog due to their little size. These dogs are less allergenic than other races of dogs and would work fine in homes where folks could have dog allergies. Due to their little size and tiny quantity of blubber these dogs can get a condition known as hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar. If you see these signs, you need to take them to the Veterinarian. Fragile digestive systems may cause Yorkies to have the runs and puking from diet changes or not eating the proper meals. Be sure you are Yorkie has a correct diet and brought to the Vet constantly.