Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Great Yorkie Info - History, Care, and Hybrids.

Yorkies can be great pets, but just like all of the dog breeds, they have their justified share of health worries. However, it may also be due to stress, depression, fatigue, starvation, infections, bacteria, and even bugs. If you see any of these signs you must take your Yorkie to the Vet to be treated straight away. Their bodies are so tiny that everything is affecting them more, even poisons, for example anti-freeze, insecticides, cleaning chemicals, and other household chemicals. Tracheal collapse is a medical aliment occurring over time, which due to the weakening of the walls of the trachea. Tracheal collapse is a standard health problem in all small dog breeds. Tracheal Collapse may cause a Yorkie to whelp and cough. As you can known, Yorkies are one of our countries fave dog breeds. Yorkies have an interesting history and caring for them is reasonably simple, but they are susceptible to some issues to look out for. Its early ancestors were essentially Scottish terriers and other early terriers that were brought into Northern Britain by Scottish immigrants trying to find work.

Annual checkups at the veterinary hospital should be a part of their usual health care regimen.

Due to their little size and tiny quantity of blubber these dogs can get a condition known as hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar. Genetic info on Yorkies tells us that they are susceptible to a condition known as hydrocephalus, which is where they've a massive accumulation of liquid in their brain. Many have allergies and will bite or scratch their skin, that will lead to damaging their skin. A Veterinarian can suggest a variety of lotion depending on you are Yorkies condition.


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