Sunday, August 30, 2009

Grooming Yorkies.

Beginning with your Yorkies coat it is critical to start a regular schedule of at least brushing it two times a week.

The bath water should warm and ensure you have the shampoo, conditioner and towel, toothbrush and toothpaste and scissors prepared before you put your terrier in the tub. And remember to wash and wash again because if any shampoo is left on your Yorkies coat it'll cause dryness. Towel dry gently by patting their coat and not rubbing because rubbing will certainly cause tangling. Next, be certain to check around their eyes for any increase of mucus. Whether your yorkie has a long or short coat, a regular grooming schedule is an absolute must. I am getting her coat terribly wet and then using a good amount of shampoo, I softly work the lather into her skin. Bichon yorkie puppies. It is critical not to use medicated shampoo unless your vet has prescribed it. Next, be certain to check around their eyes for any building up of mucus. There are lots of doggie toothpastes on the market today brushing your terriers teeth will help prevent doggie breath too.

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