Sunday, May 30, 2010

Potty Training Tips for Yorkies.

Yorkshire Terriers are one of the most well liked races of dogs in the US, Canada and Great Britain. These lovable and little companions, like most other terriers weren't at first going to be household pets. They brought with them varied sorts of Terriers - like Skye and Clydesdale- to catch rats that plagued the mines. When theyre born, their fur is black and tan. When they grow, the black typically becomes more of a blue-gray color. They have miniscule black noses and their teeth are sometimes leveled, with no over or under-bite. Size does however play a big element when it comes to the size of a dogs bladder - the more small the dog, the more little the bladder. Living in a residence or home without a large yard is no problem for the Yorkshire Terrier. Masses of folk laugh at Yorkies in sweaters but in truth they help in keeping the dog warm in the cold winter months. The cold can be really distracting for a dog that must use the potty and could make them need to run back within. As fast as they make it back into the heat of your home the need to go will come right back and the pup will likely go on the floor. This may be in the winter or even if its raining. You need to keep your dog away from sniffing tall grass or bushes where your dog can simply become snake prey.

Like many thoroughbred dogs, Yorkies are susceptible to some genetic anomalies like Distichiasis ( eyelash that emerges strangely on eyelid ), Hydrocephalus ( water in the brain ), Legg-Perthes illness ( abnormality of hip joint ), and bladder stones.

Though its rare, they may have paralysis due to herniated disks or other spinal issues. Yorkies are yappy but they're perceptive dogs and can be taught not to bark. Yorkies are active dogs but they don't need a giant yard.

Miniature yorkies for sale

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