Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Great Yorkie Information - History, Care, and Hybrids.

yorkie poos. Here's a fast outline of great Yorkie info that may hopefully give you the information you want to look after this great breed. As you'll known, Yorkies are one of our countries favourite dog breeds. Actually according to the newest statistical data from the North American dog house Club they are the second preferred dog breed. Its early ancestors were essentially Scottish terriers and other early terriers that were brought into Northerly Britain by Scottish immigrants hunting for work.

Finally these breeds were bred together and the dog that we all know today as the Yorkie appeared. Yorkies are classed as a toy breed dog due to their little size. But do not let this little size fool you, these dogs can be exceedingly assertive and make good watch dogs. Like other dogs, they're need a top quality dog food and masses of fresh fresh water to keep them healthy. Keeping your Yorkie groomed correctly is crucial to keep their coat looking that way. You must brush all of the way thru your Yorkies coat once a day to keep their hair clump-free, and untangled. Be certain to employ a soft brush, because stiff and hard ones can hurt your Yorkies skin. Its a smart idea to run it over your skin first to work out if it stings or not. You must bath your Yorkie once each week or 2, using some tiny dog shampoo and conditioner found at animal stores. There are several different teeth cleaning products you will find at your local pet shop, but I would like to suggest you ask your Vet which one they might suggest for your individual situation. It is really important not to trim them too short, as this will lead on to bleeding. You'll still have to frequently take your Yorkie to get professionally groomed.

They can trim the hair properly, check for ear mites, and give a good cleaning to your Yorkie. Like other dogs, they're require a top quality dog food and lots of fresh fresh water to keep them healthy. Due to their tiny size and tiny quantity of subcutaneous fat these dogs can get a condition called hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar.

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