Monday, March 21, 2011

Grooming Yorkies.

I keep my yorkie cut fairly short as she doesn't enjoy being groomed and thus grooming her isn't fun for me. She deserves to be washed each week or 2 and brushed and combed at that point.

It is very important not to use medicated shampoo unless your vet has prescribed it. I find it best to take my yorkie into a confined space like the lavatory after her bath. I shut the door so she can't run all over the house as I want to give her frequent breaks. A Yorkie is an excellent companion and an ideal example of mans best chum since they supply entertainment, love, and attention to their owner. The sole problem is that some Yorkies end up being quite full of energy, and their continued barking can be a worry to their owners and neighbours. There are a lot of effective strategies to coach your Yorkie not to bark, but it will take time and devotion to break your companion of this hideous habit. Keeping your house full of toys will also help to restrict his barking since many Yorkies will bark when they are feeling a bit bored. It's really important to reward your Yorkie everytime he follows the command, since it'll make him more pleased to do it when he's given a treat or additional love for listening. The item utilised for distracting should only have to be used once to grab the dogs attention, but it shouldn't be loud or distracting enough to scare the dog into another barking fit. I towel dry her taking care not to rub her energetically with the towel as this could cause tangles. Then I blow dry her coat with the hair dryer set on low for one or two minutes. I am doing this with her standing on the floor as she appears to cooperate better this way. Here's lots more stories about yorkie poodle. You will try having your yorkie stand on a table if that will work for you as this would give you simpler access. I then use the brush with widely spaced teeth to softly brush thru the tangles. I use the brush for the areas that aren't too tangled. Yorkies hair grows like human hair and so it has to be cut. They are going to take care of cutting the toenails and cutting round the delicate areas.

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