Friday, July 17, 2009

Ways to Train Your Yorkie Not to Bark.

Yorkies with long coats should be groomed daily. That fine hair of theirs will become tangled and raveled in almost no time. I keep my yorkie cut fairly short as she doesn't enjoy being groomed and thus grooming her isn't fun for me.

She is pretty much a tomboy and a shorter cut fits her personality too. She should be washed each week or 2 and brushed and brushed at that point. Grooming supplies for your yorkie should include : dog shampoo and conditioner, hair dryer ( with a low setting ), comb ( metal with teeth spaced wider on one side and narrower on the other ), brush ( with metal teeth with rounded ends ), and a de-matter. I am getting her coat terribly wet and then using a large amount of shampoo, I gradually work the lather into her skin. It is vital not to use medicated shampoo unless your vet has prescribed it.

I shut the door so she will not run all over the house as I have to give her frequent breaks. I towel dry her being cautious not to rub her energetically with the towel as this will cause tangles. A Yorkie will bark for a selection of different reasons, from needing to go outside to a loud noise that shocks them. There are several methods to train your Yorkie to stop barking, and they've got to be done consistently to get improvement. By teaching him the command to communicate, you are also teaching the lesson that barking is only permitted when asked by his owner. After he has gotten the talk command down clean, you can begin to teach the quiet command to allow him know it's time to stop. Yorkie poo pups. The item used for distracting should only have to be used once to snatch the dogs attention, but it shouldn't be loud or distracting enough to scare the dog into another barking fit. I then use the brush with widely spaced teeth to delicately brush through the tangles. As far as how frequently this can be mandatory relies on your yorkie.

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