Saturday, July 11, 2009

Yorkie health problems.

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, most typically occurs when Yorkies have too much time between meals. Some of the indications are fatigue, red-eyed, and disorientation. If you see any of these signs you must take your Yorkie to the Vet to be treated straight away. Tiny kids running thru the house may step on one, or simply an object may fall over on them, and it does not take much weight to deal major injury to a little Yorkie. Here's a cool piece all about yorkie labrador. Its early ancestors were really Scottish terriers and other early terriers that were brought into Northwards Britain by Scottish immigrants trying to find work. These smaller dogs were used for rat control, which a major threat to human health back then because they spread sicknesses like the plague. Finally these breeds were bred together and the dog that we all know today as the Yorkie appeared. Yorkies are classified as a toy reproduce dog due to their tiny size.

But dont let this little size fool you, these dogs can be awfully assertive and make good watch dogs. Younger Yorkies are susceptible to certain issues though . Due to their small size and small quantity of subcutaneous fat these dogs can get a condition known as hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar.

If your dog does have this condition it would seem as listless and can seem to be in a coma. Immediate medical aid is required at that point. Genetic info on Yorkies tells us that they are susceptible to a condition known as hydrocephalus, which is where they have got a massive accumulation of liquid in their brain. They form in the urinary tract, and may cause the incapacity to urinate, and even death. A simple xray can identify if their is a bladder stone there. Fragile digestive systems may cause Yorkies to have butt rot and puking from diet changes or not eating the proper meals. Healthy Yorkies can measure up to fifteen years, thats why its crucial to look after our Yorkies.

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