Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Owning and Raising a Yorkie Dog.

But like any dog breed, you want to know what should be expected when getting a Yorkie. Yorkie Origin - The Yorkie came from Yorkshire, which is a craggy area in the northerly area of Britain . However, there hair is terribly thin, and they don't have an undercoat. Many say that, as the Yorkie is a tiny dog, it'll have few wants. If you're not prepared to make the effort to have your Yorkie groomed, or to do it yourself, this isn't the breed for you. A Yorkie has high hunting instincts and is inclined to follow. This could make it seem to be a sort of smaller intelligence.

They just also happen to be determined creatures. This makes them ideal house pets, as they do not have dandruff or shed very like other dog breeds. But often Yorkies will act bigger than they are, barking at bigger dogs. Lifespan - Most Yorkies live a long life, anywhere from 10-15 years. Keeping your Yorkie exercised, well-fed, and usually chuffed can cause a long, healthful life.

1 comment:

  1. We had a Yorkie, her name was Jessica, got to have her for 9 years, until cancer took her from us, beautiful loving dog, I used to keep her hair cut short was a lot easier. I am following your blog. Check mine out @
    Packed full of pet information, vidoes and stories.
